Northwest Spring Rally at Bury 2019

As the Northwest Region handbell ringers gathered at Bury for the Spring Rally it looked at first as if we might have been locked out. The caretaker came just in time and a mightily relieved committee could get in. After some long journeys almost from the Scottish Borders there was great relief all round.

Beth welcomed the “orphan” ringers from North Wales who had come as individuals, known as the “significant others”.  The massed ringing of Di Tanjong Katong was a Singapore Folk song arranged with many different effects. Those ringing four- in-hand were excused from some of the thumb damps as they did not have enough thumbs for four bells! The arrangement was first heard at the International symposium in Liverpool and adopted by Bishops Bells to ring at the Sale Rally last year.




In a bid to be environmentally friendly the ringers had brought a wonderful assortment of mugs for the hot drinks which they could take away and wash at home.

There was fancy dress for the ringing of Pirates of the Caribbean and a teddy bear for Dancing Teddy Bears.
Baby Max attended his first rally at 4 months old and some of the ringing, particularly “All on a Summers Evening” helped to lull him off to sleep.

At the AGM, Beth stood down as Chairperson and she was thanked for her 7 years of service and presented with a card and gift. She is not leaving altogether however, as she will still be a committee member. Linda Parkington kindly agreed to take over as Chairperson and we look forward to hearing her ideas for the Northwest Region of HRGB going forward.  See the photos at Gallery - 2019 Bury

Massed Ringing

Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves

Marron Valley

Ragtime Ramble


Take five

St Clements

Jesu joy of man’s desiring


All on a summer’s evening


Blue Danube

Massed Ringing

Dancing Teddy Bears

Bishops Bells

Cubley Brook


To God be the Glory




Pirates of the Caribbean

Massed Ring

Di Tanjong Katong


You raise me up


Nellie the Elephant


From a distance

Bishops Bells

American Patrol


Happy Birthday Sue and Chris


The Happy farmer


Puttin’ on the Ritz

St Clements

Puff the Magic Dragon


Blessed assurance

Marron Valley

When the Saints